Australian gov't moves
to implement UNDRIP; Canada, US and New Zealand should follow suit
In a historic and unprecedented move, Australian
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd moved to implement the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN DRIP) during
the opening of the new parliament. The Cordillera Peoples Alliance
(CPA) thereby reiterates its call for the US, New Zealand and Canada
to follow suit and accede to the Declaration as a step in recognizing
indigenous peoples' existence and rights as a people.
Mr. Rudd went further where many governments fear to tread and made
a public apology to the indigenous peoples of Australia. In his
speech: "To the stolen generations, I say the following: as
Prime Minister of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Government
of Australia, I am sorry. On behalf of the Parliament of Australia,
I am sorry. I offer you this apology without qualification. We apologize
for the hurt, the pain and suffering that we, the Parliament, have
caused you by the laws that previous parliaments have enacted."
The CPA welcomes this development from the Australian
government especially during the Second International Decade of
the World's Indigenous Peoples. However, we challenge Mr. Rudd that
such statements should not remain as hollow promises. It should
provide justice to the stolen generations to give meaning and sincerity
to his apology. Justice can come in the form of just compensation,
necessary rehabilitation, and other appropriate measures. The CPA
hopes that the Rudd Parliament in partnership with the Aborigines
comes out with new legislations, policies and programs that would
genuinely respect and promote Aboriginal rights.
With such pronouncements, we also look forward to
the greater and full participation of indigenous peoples not only
in legislation but on all matters that affect their rights and interests.
Thus, the CPA stresses the that Philippine government must urgently
implement the Declaration, of which it is a signatory. Concrete
measures must be undertaken to redress the human rights violations
against the country's indigenous peoples. #